孙爱芝,中国科学院大学地球与行星科学学院副教授。长期从事孢粉学、古生态与古环境、古植被定量重建方向研究。主持基于改进的PFT-MAT方法定量重建西伯利亚南部全新世植被和气候变化、雅鲁藏布江流域湖泊沉积物孢粉的环境意义及敏感性研究等国家级科研项目,在Global and Planetary Change, Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology, Quaternary Science Reviews等学术期刊发表论文19篇,其中SCI论文多篇。
(1) 基于改进的PFT-MAT方法定量重建西伯利亚南部全新世植被和气候变化,国家级,2020-2023;
(2) 北京市怀柔科学城气传致敏花粉类型及飘散规律研究,省部级,2021-2023;
(3) 雅鲁藏布江流域湖泊沉积物孢粉的环境意义及敏感性研究,国家级,2012-2015;
(4) 青藏高原东部泥炭沼泽沉积物孢粉现代过程及指示意义研究,国家级,2011-2013.
(1) A updated biomization scheme and vegetation reconstruction based on a synthesis of modern and mid-Holcene pollen data in China. Global and Planetary Change, 2020.
(2) Climate change on the northeastern Tibetan Plateau during the past ~600 years inferred from peat pollen records. Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology, 2020.
(3) Reconstruction of the vegetation distribution of different topographic units of the Chinese Loess Plateau during the Holocene. Quaternary Science Reviews, 2017..
(4) 青藏高原南部雅鲁藏布江流域现代孢粉-植被关系及新的花粉-气候指标研究. 中国科学院大学学报, 2017.
(5) Vegetation changes and associated climatic changes in the southern Altai Mountains within China during the Holocene. The Holocene, 2016.
(6) Climatic changes in the western part of the Chinese Loess Plateau during the Last Deglacial and the Holocene: A synthesis of pollen records. Quaternary International, 2015.
(7) Holocene climatic reconstructions from fossil pollen record at Qigai Nuur in the southern Mongolian Plateau. The Holocene, 2013.
(8) Pollen-recorded bioclimatic variations of the last ~22,600 years retrieved from Achit nuur core in the western Mongolian Plateau. Quaternary International, 2013.
(9) 尼洋河流域表土孢粉组合与年均降水量关系研究. 地理与地理信息科学, 2013.
(10) 缙云山自然保护区常见菊科植物花粉形态特征分析. 西南大学学报(自然科学版), 2013.
(1) 2009年获甘肃省气象局颁发的气象科技工作奖二等奖;
(2) 祁连山地区局地气候与地形和背景场的相互作用(排名第五).